You will see many abstract artworks across my site. These are generated using the first versions of Dall·E & Midjourney AI in 2022.

As this is a new site, all essays are slowly being transcribed and updated from my previous site, until completion, some pages will remain ‘empty’ or as ‘WIP’.

I have never been one to subscribe to the limiting factors of definition. In order to reach fulfilment, I am in a constant struggle for my career to remain the purest reflection of my lifelong aspirations. Refusing to specify rigid career paths has led me towards finding structure in more innocent lifestyle goals and cultural shifts.

In short, I want the definition of my ability to be as reactive as my explorative and curious nature. I want the freedom to be absorbed by all aspects of the world. I don’t want to be bound solely by technical skill, but for creativity to remain as a primary element that enables my flight.

*Colours denote readiness.

Immersion is forgetful. (WIP)

A future of media

Why Twitter should acquire Telegram

A future of loyalty

Subvert, Subversion & Subversive Culture

Order Processing: Psychological Explorations

Communication (WIP)

Watch this to get stressed (WIP)

How to speak to AI (empty)

The Perfect Poster (empty)

Angry by design (empty)